Friday, September 11, 2020

Robin now available on the Red Hat marketplace

Robin.IO, the confidential leader in Kubernetes storage, makes its Cloud Native Storage product available on the Red Hat Marketplace. This is a strategic move for the company as Red Hat is a strong and established player addressing enterprise needs. This presence also simplifies adoption for users via consolidated billing and contracting, support and common centralized console management. It implicitly means that Robin product is available to IBM as the IT giant really needs something, they missed the virtualization wave, the cloud and the container that finally forced them to burn $36B to acquire Red Hat to gain credibility.
In two words, Robin Storage is a block-based container-native storage solution validated with Red Hat OpenShift. It is coupled with multiple editions of Kubernetes via the CSI and delivers performance aligned with bare-metal environments. It offers also a rich suite of data services that makes it pretty unique on the market with lots of similarities with Portworx, acquired a few months ago by Pure Storage.


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