Thursday, February 24, 2022

New iteration of object storage from OVHcloud

OVHcloud, the European hosting company, continues to try to address storage demands. And it won't be an easy challenge when you don't have such culture and had experimented a huge catastrophe like the scandal in Strasbourg in March 2021. Listening to an interview on the French radio France-Inter of Michel Paulin, CEO of OVHcloud, I continue to believe that he doesn't understand the market, its dynamic and related products, services and associated technologies. And how this radio defines OVHcloud is just amazing, they define the cloud as storage, wow, what a mistake.

We just learned that the company launched a new high performance object storage, this is probably based on OpenIO they acquired for a penny mid 2020. The service is available in Strasbourg - is it a joke? - and will be also deployed in Gravelines. We hope that they choose multi data centers even within one site and from April they will activate the site replication. The erasure coding model implemented is pretty basic so users have to continue to pray. High performance doesn't mean less protection.

In terms of pricing, 1TB is charged 25€ tax excluded plus 0.01€ per outbound GB and API requests and private outbound traffic are included. Good they finally received what I said for years arguing that this pricing advantage promoted by Wasabi must be considered by OVHcloud. It was clearly compared in one famous article on StorageNewsletter I wrote in December 2020 and accessible here where I illustrated the charge taken by OVHcloud on traffic.

But I still wondering why they switch from Swift and Ceph to OpenIO..., continuing their quest towards a good object stroage service, it should be related to the software control they can have on it, "French Software in France by Frrench". On the other side, it seems that the file storage is still absent at OVHcloud...


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