Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Veritas adds cognitive elements to its object storage

Veritas Technologies, the leader in data management, has changed the name of its object storage solution from Cloud Object Storage to Cognitive Object Storage without posting any press release. A bit strange: if the change is important it's worth a visibility effort like a PR, not doing any announcement invites me to think this is a small change but it seems not, so why?

If you wish to understand where the product comes from, I invite you to read the post I wrote in September 2017 which is the only long article available on the market about Veritas Cloud Object Storage.

The company promotes this new approach based on 4 key functions that leverage the Integrated Cognitive Engine (ICE):
  1. Action on Ingest capability to learn info at the time they are imported in the system building new index and creating tad with metadata.
  2. Workflow capability that invite the user to construct processes and models between data and applications.
  3. Access data service exposing various industry protocols such S3 of course, a REST API, HDFS, Kafka, Thrift, MQTT, a Java SDK and a JDBC connector and
  4. Enrich data post-ingest with custom metadata.
Veritas doesn't communicate on the market adoption of its COS which is still a bit confidential. It confirms that object storage has real difficulties to live alone and pure player companies suffer from that, some of them even try to pivot...

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